Ryan Lin

Moms Can Zumba #3!

This is the third Moms Can Zumba! If you enjoyed the first session, go ahead and get ready to Zumba again! Moms are constantly taking their time to give to others, so its time to take a break and have some time for yourself! Taught by Julia, an expert dancer with 40 years of dance …

Moms Can Zumba #3! Read More »

STEM Summer Camp 2021!

Tutors 4 Kid Proudly Presents… STEM Summer Camp 2021! Come let your children join us for a week of fun with science! We will be doing many experiments and exciting crafts. Make sure to sign up quickly because the spots are filling up! Hope to see you there! Registration Link: https://forms.gle/WCg9ZvNVZGZRohhM7

2021 Kindergarten Summer Camp!

Tutors 4 Kid Proudly Presents… 2021 Kindergarten Summer Camp is here! Let your childern have a fun time learning English and math with craft making, dancing, and singing before the school year starts! Sign up now, the spots are filling up quickly! Registration Link and additional information: https://forms.gle/HVYGmJRt5b7JsiLW8